Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Prayers Needed - March 17, 2012

March 17, 2012  - PRAYERS NEEDED
Dear partners and friends,
We are writing to ask or your help.
As of Thursday, we have been back in the US for 3 weeks. It has been a big transition for us physically, emotionally, culturally, and spiritually. We are recognizing our need for extra prayer support as we adjust, and we are requesting some committed prayer partners to keep us covered during this time.
To our previous prayer team as well as new friends who may want to pray for us, we are very grateful. We would like to suggest a format, which we have found helpful in the past. If you are willing to be a committed prayer partner, please tell us a specific day of the week, on which you will promise to keep us in prayer - e.g. every Monday or every Thursday - and we will also commit to keep you and your prayer needs before the Lord on that same day. This way we will also have a chance to share with one another what the Lord is doing in each other's lives, and be encouraged by one another's prayers and the answers, which have come.
For those who want to participate in this way, we also commit to sending out a weekly email update with prayers, which have been answered and prayers, which are still needed.  
Thank you for considering supporting us in this way. We gladly acknowledge our specific need for this kind of help, as well as our deep conviction that no Kingdom work succeeds without prayer.
May the Lord bless you richly - Steve & Alene    wgm@wgm.org

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