We want to share with you a bit about Kenyan birthdays and some recent updates from Kenya!

We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and it is great to celebrate our birth and the life that the Lord God has given us. However, too often our focus is on the gifts that we will receive at our birthday celebrations. As Christians, we rejoice in different gifts: we have a new birth (John 3:1- 21, 2 Corinthians 5: 17) and a new life in Christ (Galatians 2:20). We are to leave behind our prior life, receive salvation, and live a new life worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:10-14). We are adopted into God's family. "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" (1 John 3:1). We pray that you have accepted a new life in Christ and can also joyously celebrate your own spiritual birthday.
Former prisoner, Peter, starts Pastor's College
We give praise to the Lord that Peter has been able to start his studies at Kaboson Pastor's Training College this month. Peter is enthusiastic to be equipped to serve as a pastor to prisoners and former inmates. Please continue in prayer for his studies and future ministry.
Peter (2nd from the left) at Kaboson Pastor's Training College
Chaplain School Resumes
The second group of students has begun classes at the International Chaplaincy College at Tenwek and Alene is teaching a class on "Ministry to the Dying and Bereaved." The school is living up to being international as one of the students, Julius, is from Tanzania. Please join us as we pray for these new students and their teachers.
Tenwek Endoscopy Team
The endoscopy team had a great safari day-trip for team-building in April. This was the first opportunity for most of these national Kenyans to see the wildlife for which their country is famous. We had time to share about functioning as a team and working together for a common purpose. We focused that purpose on Tenwek's mission statement: A Christian community committed to excellence in compassionate health care, spiritual ministry, and training for service.
Tenwek Endoscopy team safari
Lions, cubs, zebras, and Thompson's gazelles at the Maasai Mara
Endoscopy STEP Study research team with our new caps
Chaplain Elijah Bii presents a Bible to a new believer in Christ.
GI Endoscopy Services in 2012
In 2012, we will have about 9 months of Home Ministry Assignment (furlough) in USA. This time will be devoted to reconnecting with our family, friends and supporters and confirming our support base for long-term, career mission service.
I (Steve) want to ensure that there will be continuity in our delivery of endoscopy services at Tenwek Hospital even when I will not be present. We are in the process of arranging for coverage during my absence. If you know of anyone providing endoscopy services that might be interested in serving at Tenwek, please let us know. Please join us in prayer for the continuation of excellent endoscopy services in 2012.
Thank you!
Steve & Alene Burgert, Missionaries with World Gospel Mission
Tenwek Hospital - Bomet , Kenya
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